Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Show #2 of Rock Star Week! Def Leppard & KISS!

Show #2 of Rock Star week was a joint headliner with Def Leppard and Kiss. What I didn’t realize in advace was, last Thursday, I had already seen the gold standard of concerts, with Queen + Adam Lambert, and it will forever color how I look at concerts.

My biggest fear of the day was that it was going to be HOTTTT!!!! And when I left the house it was 100 degrees. My steering wheel was so hot, I could barely touch it, and the necklace I was wearing got really hot too. I was dressed for the heat in a short sleeve top and longs. (My name for long shorts!)

My concert buddy, Austin, who really likes to get into the spirit of things, mentioned that he might wear KISS makeup to the show. Good thing he changed his mind. I was supposed to pick him up at 430, and when I got there at 425, he was still asleep. (He’s not lazy, he works nights.) But, he got up and showered in record time. We had to be early, because our seats for this one were on the lawn, and we wanted to be in front. It ended up working out well.

We got real comfy there on the lawn.

I don’t know the name of the opening band, but I do know that I was drenched in sweat at the time.  They were a Canadian band, and the lead singer (female) had a great voice. In fact, she sounded like Pat Benatar, especially when they played “Baracuda.”

Def Leppard… ya know, I didn’t know a single one of their songs. I am well-versed in 70s music, but not so much with 80s music. I was kind of tied up then.  And Wiki described them as Heavy Metal. I beg to differ with that description. I’ve heard heavier. Despite not knowing the music, I really enjoyed their set, as i enjoy any classic rock. I thought the best songs were “Photograph,” “Love Bites” and “Poor a Little Sugar On Me.”  I also loved the 80s pics they put up on the screen.  Oh, the hair!  They remarked about how hot it was. But, a miracle happened, and out on the lawn, where we were, there was a cool breeze.  Incidentally, Def Leppard has a one-armed drummer.

The crème de la crème of the night was KISS!  They also have awesome fans who dress up in KISS makeup and costumes. They also have the best band shirts ever!  People watching was fun!

KISS had all kinds of lights and graphics, but the best thing they had was a huge spider-shaped light up thingy that covered the entire stage. Sometimes it was blue, red, yellow, you name it.  KISS also likes to blow up stuff, and they had some amazing pyrotechnics. KISS also always looks bigger than life, no doubt due to their crazy costumes and huge platform shoes!

My favorite part was when Paul Stanley ziplined over the audience to play to play at a rear stage.

KISS also mentioned the heat, and said that it was even hotter than Phoenix or Austin. But, hey, the joke was on them, because by this time, the cool breeze was really nice, out there on the lawn. They also mentioned that they had just played in Austin and the audience booed. Funny, said Paul, they said the same thing about you! Austin just wondered why everyone was booing him!

My favorite song was “Rock and Roll All Night” plus I really enjoyed all the explosions, and the theatrical-ness of the whole show. I would always recommend their show (by the way, this was not my first time) but my heart still belongs to Adam Lambert. J

By the way, despite the cool breeze, it was still 90 degrees at 1130PM!

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