Thursday, July 24, 2014

Show #4 of Rock Star Week: Lady Gaga!

This was a long awaited show, as we got the tickets last December. This is the fourth time Austin and I have seen Lady Gaga.  We’ve seen most of the pop singer Divas and it’s always been my opinion that she does the strongest show of all.

When we arrived at the venue, we were greeted by protesters who tried to tell us Jesus didn’t want us to go inside. I figure I am in tune enough that if this were true, I would have received some personal revelation to that effect. Whatever.

I got Austin his ticket for Christmas, and got the best available, which was a seat that appeared to be right at the end of the catwalk. Well, it didn’t turn out to be quite like that, but it was still a really good seat. I just got me one at the top, because I was feeling cheap that day.  When the usher found out, she would have none of it. They had just set up some chairs in the back of Austin’s section and she told me to sit in the last one, with the caveat being that if they sold that seat, I would have to go to my original seat. I thought that was really sweet of her. Mine was seat 14. Turns out they sold all the way to seat 12, but I was safe. I must have thanked her a million times!

People-watching at a Lady Gaga show is a lot of fun, because you see ev.ery.thing.  Lots of people in costume. Everytime we stopped to take a pic we got photobombed (which is fun.) Austin got a bit glammed up for the occasion, with guyliner, glitter and red hair. I wore a Hell Bunny dress with skulls and roses.

The first opening act was Crayon Pop, a K-pop (Korean pop) girl group. Austin said I was in for a treat. Hmmm.  Their first couple songs were OK, but for the rest of their 30 minute set, I was wishing they would go back to the high school talent show they apparently came from.  Turns out they were the highlight of the pregame show.

The next opening act was Lady Starlight. I guess she and Gaga did some kind of show together back in the day. What she did was electronic music. EDM. She stood up on stage with two machine-thingies and twisted buttons and this loud, annoying, headache-inducing beat came out. OMG, it was horrible. And she wore this ugly turquoise skater skirt and ill-fitting denim-looking shirt. And danced around, all by herself. It was quite a spectacle. And it went on for nearly AN HOUR.  REALLY? Luckily it stopped before my head exploded.

After another half hour of annoying music, Lady Gaga appeared! Overall, she was very good, but she has set the bar high. My personal opinion was, although she was excellent, she was not as good as in shows past. But she has set the bar really high.

She started off with a few songs that I was not all that familiar with, even tho Austin gave me a CD to listen to. Seems like the first three were all about fashion. That wasn’t bad, but I really enjoyed it once she launched into classic Gaga. The old songs, “Poker Face, “Lets Dance,” “Bad Romance,” I just love ‘em! 

Sometimes Lady Gaga sits down at the piano and sings lounge version of some of her songs. She sang a slow, lounge-y version of “Born This Way,” that left me feeling cheated, because that is one of my favorite songs, and I wanted to hear it the way she recorded it. She also just did a bit of my other favorite, “Telephone.”  I felt like I had paid a lot of money, and I deserved to hear the full versions of the best songs!

I liked the way, that for this show, Lady Gaga dressed pretty, and didn’t cover her pretty face with black splotches of makeup, or blood, or what-have-you. She also did one onstage costume change which was interesting! LOL.  I also like the way she encourages us to love everyone, despite race, religion or sexuality. I think that’s a great message! 

Favorite moments? Anything classic Gaga! Bad Romance always makes me get up and dance!

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